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Christina Loggia Wins State Star Award

The New York Small Business Development Center (SBDC) has announced that Christina Loggia, Certified Business Adviser with FSC’s SBDC, has been awarded the 2016 State Star for New York.

The State Star designation recognizes outstanding achievement in high-quality business counseling, and distinguished, long-term service in terms of economic development. Loggia was recently honored during the national SBDC Annual Conference in Orlando.

Loggia joined the SBDC in 2013 as an adviser helping Hurricane Sandy victims with NY Rising grant applications, and in 2015 began counseling non-disaster clients. She has helped more than 300 small-business owners and entrepreneurs obtain nearly $7 million in small-business grants and loans.

Loggia brings more than 30 years’ experience in retail, purchasing, human resources, marketing and education to the small business community. She holds an MS in Adolescence Education from Dowling College, and BS and AAS degrees from the Fashion Institute of Technology, in Marketing/Communications, and Fashion Buying & Merchandising.

“Christina is a great asset to the Farmingdale SBDC,” says Farmingdale Regional Director Erica Chase-Gregory. “Her vast experience and knowledge of business has proven to be invaluable to the small business clients she serves. We are all so proud of her accomplishment at achieving the 2016 State Star Award, it is very well deserved!”