Winning on Wednesday -WOW – is an innovative virtual networking opportunity for entrepreneurs all over the globe. At 11 am EST, anywhere from 60-90 people join our ZOOM and share what their professions are as well as their passions with each other. Our hope is that by mentoring and giving, like minded, caring, generous professionals will learn how to help each other grow their businesses by sharing their contacts as well as their expertise.The meeting starts in a large group forum with SPOTLIGHTS for members who bring special benefits to WOW. We then jump into a series of breakout rooms to give everyone a chance to experience networking in a smaller forum. After about 1/2 hour, we meet back in the large group for closing remarks and an opportunity to give special thanks and recognition to those who have inspired them.
You’ll never know who shows up at WOW – from computer giants who were there when Steve Jobs was just starting out, Hollywood filmmakers, roadies for some of the most famous bands of the last 30 years as well as young professionals just starting out their careers.